Q. Which TV detective has a name like a code?

It's not true one can bear it (5,7)

(Across Clue)

For those looking to become a better daily cryptic crossword solver, use the clues below to help you solve, understand and learn from this cryptic crossword clue. Use the expandable hints below to guide yourself through the solution and explanation.

It's not true
one can bear it (5,7)

This hint shows straight definition and cryptic wordplay parts and helps you as the solver to understand how the clue is constructed. There may be only straight definitions if the clue is a multiple definition type, or cryptic wordplays if the clue is a cryptic definition type, where the clue is usually a play on words, puns, or uses misleading homonyms in its surface reading.

It's not true
one can bear it
cryptic definition

This hint breaks down the clue further showing the different cryptic indicators used and which parts they act upon within the clue. Various things are indicated as follows:

Link Word Synonym Example of Type of Anagrammed Hidden Selection Homophone Reversed

F __ L __ E  __ I __ N __ S __

Similar to a real cryptic crossword, this hint shows you checked (intersecting) letters with other clues that have already been solved.

false witness

A person who deliberately gives false testimony; deceptive public statements

This is the solution to the cryptic crossword clue : It's not true one can bear it (5,7). Look below for an explanation to help you as the cryptic crossword solver understand it.

This is the explanation to the solution to the clue to help you understand how the answer was arrived at.

It's not true
one can bear it
cryptic definition

A false witness being a deceptive statement or person isn't true, and (slightly cryptically) one can "bear" a false witness.

Daily Mail Volume 1 1

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