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The name hamster comes from the German word Hamsterer, but what does the word mean?
The German word for rumble-ghost lends itself to the title of which 1982 film?
What wintry word would be written as Schneeflocke in German?
Does ante mean before or after?
Before | After
What does the latin term ex gratia mean?
At a guess | As a favour | Without cause | With authority
In US military slang, what does 'Charley' mean?
Tank | Sniper | Helicopter | Viet Cong
What does the name of the pasta capelli d'angelo mean?
Angel's hair | Little worms | Small ears | Little rings
What do the letters HB on a pencil mean?
If it is noon at GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), what is the local time in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?
5:00 PM | 7:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 9:00 PM