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What is the approximate aerial distance between Montreal Airport and London?
5,000 miles | 2,800 miles | 4,500 miles | 3,200 miles
What did Isambard Kingdom Brunel build between London and Bristol?
Motorway | Railway | Canal
What is the approximate orbital speed of the Earth as it orbits the Sun?
67,000 mph | 18,000 mph | 3,000 mph | 102,000 mph
The Channel Tunnel forms an under-sea link between England and which other country?
A solar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun. True or False?
False | True
In music, what is the common name for a male singing voice that falls between tenor and bass?
The Hundred Years War was a conflict between England and which other country?
Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 2010 and 2016?
Between 1902 and 2010, by which institution were the Nobel Prize medals struck?
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | Swedish Parliament | Nobel Foundation | Swedish Mint
In the game of Monopoly, which station is situated between the Income Tax and The Angel Islington properties?
Marylebone Station | King's Cross Station | Fenchurch Street Station | Liverpool Street Station