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What SI unit is used to measure force?
What are amps used to measure?
A millibar is a unit used to measure what?
Distance | Weight | Atmospheric pressure | Temperature
What is the approximate orbital speed of the Earth as it orbits the Sun?
67,000 mph | 3,000 mph | 102,000 mph | 18,000 mph
In Gone with the Wind, from which country did Scarlett's father come?
England | Ireland | Wales | Scotland
From which language do we get the instrument name glockenspiel, literally meaning bells play?
For what instrument was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata written?
Which musical instrument family does the flute belong to?
Which musical instrument is associated with Yehudi Menuhin?
What instrument is typically played by the leader of an orchestra?
Cello | Flute | Trumpet | Violin