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Which sense is associated with the word 'olfactory'?
Which sense may be aided by the Jacobson's organ?
Smell | Sight | Taste | Hearing
Which sense is being utilised when you "clock" someone doing something?
What sport uses balls weighing 2.7g with a diameter of 40mm?
If a recipe uses 300g of sugar for 6 people, how many grams should be used for 2 people?
What Southeast Asian currency uses the code VND?
Coal is composed primarily of which chemical element?
Which fast-food chain opened its first UK outlet in London in 1954?
Wimpy | Burger King | McDonald's | KFC
Which branch of mathematics is primarily concerned with the properties and relations of the sides and angles of triangles?
Trigonometry | Algebra | Geometry | Calculus
Which European capital primarily sources its hot water supply from geothermal springs?
Dublin | Helsinki | Oslo | Reykjavik