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In the medical comedy-drama Scrubs, who played the character Christopher Turk?
'The Changing of the Guards' is a book about which of the armed forces?
Navy | Army | Air Force | Marines
The Monument in London was designed by Sir Christopher Wren to commemorate which event of 1666?
The Great Fire of London | The War of the Roses | The Battle of Trafalgar | The Great Southern Flood
Which girl accompanied Peter Pan to Neverland?
Captain Mainwaring is in charge of which Home Guard platoon?
Walmington-on-Sea | Falmouth Bay | Bournemouth Beach | Eastbourne Edge
What Home Guard platoon does Captain Mainwaring command?
How many dwarfs accompanied Snow White?
In which fiction book does the character Major Major Major Major appear?
In The Wizard of Oz, which character was looking for a heart?
Dorothy | The Lion | The Scarecrow | The Tin Man
In which movie does the character Mike Wazowski appear?
Monsters Inc. | Toy Story | Finding Nemo | Shrek