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What is the name for someone who shoes horses?
Which of these best describes someone who is a 'nipcheese'?
Meticulous | Magnanimous | Miserly | Morose
When someone, usually obedient, finally speaks up, what animal is said to have turned?
Cat | Worm | Lion | Sheep
If someone is referred to as a Nutmegger, from which US state do they hail?
Connecticut | Texas | California | New York
If someone has nephritis, which parts of their body are inflamed?
Heart | Lungs | Kidneys | Liver
Which sense is being utilised when you "clock" someone doing something?
What is the term for an atom or group of atoms that is electrically charged?
In Cockney Rhyming Slang what term is referred to by "Abergavenny"?
0 Kelvin or -273.15oC is better known by what term?
For how many years does the term of a US president last?
Five | Three | Four | Two