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An expectorant is a medicine used to treat what?
Rashes | Stomach ache | Coughs | Parasites
What drink was served on the Polar Express?
Coffee | Tea | Hot Chocolate | Cola
Who served as the Senator for Illinois from 2005 to 2008?
Who served as the Space Shuttle Commander of the ill-fated Challenger mission?
Neil Armstrong | John Glenn | Francis R. Scobee | Sally Ride
Jan Christian Smuts served as the prime minister for which nation?
How many ways can 8 queens be placed on a chess board so they don't threaten each other?
40 | 92 | 1 | 9
GIRDLE can be rearranged to give the name of what type of aircraft?
What ballet can be found by rearranging ASK LAWNE?
What are people who can talk without moving their lips called?
Which marsupial can be found on the Australian coat of arms?
Possum | Kangaroo | Wombat | Koala Bear