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Who directed the 1997 film, L.A.Confidential?
Who directed the 2016 film The Accountant?
Who directed the 1989 film, The Abyss?
Who directed the film Beetlejuice?
Who wrote and directed the 2015 film, The Hateful Eight?
Which film, directed by Steve McQueen, is a big-screen remake of an ITV drama from 1983?
Shame | Widows | 12 Years a Slave | Hunger
Which girl band had three consecutive Christmas UK No. 1 singles from 1996 to 1998?
Who scored England's first goal in the 1998 World Cup Finals?
Which African statesman was given freedom of Cardiff City in a ceremony at Cardiff Castle in 1998?
Which female singer had a Top 20 hit in 1998 with the song Adia?
Sarah McLachlan | Natalie Merchant | Paula Abdul | Amy Ray