Try our Word Search Maker!
What is the name for two straight lines that run at exactly the same distance apart?
In which direction do the batters run round the bases in a game of baseball?
Anti-clockwise | Clockwise
Along which coast does the Andes mountain range run?
Pacific | Atlantic | Caribbean | Arctic
During its London run, which musical necessitated the use of 27,600 pairs of skate laces?
What is the name for the imaginary line around the middle of the Earth?
In which ocean would you cross the International Date Line?
Atlantic Ocean | Indian Ocean | Pacific Ocean
What letter of the alphabet sounds like a line of people waiting for something?
Which Roald Dahl book features the line "have you ever in your life seen such a marvellous colossal Centipede as me?"
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | James and the Giant Peach | The BFG | The Twits