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What type of data file is an MP3 file?
Audio | Text | Image | Video
Which is a larger quantity of data, a terabyte or a petabyte?
Terabyte | Petabyte
Roughly, what is the maximum amount of data a standard ?3 1?2 inch HD "floppy disk" can store?
1000MB | 1MB | 10MB | 100MB
Which lady, according to legend, rode naked through Coventry on horseback?
What is the name for the bending of light as it passes through a surface?
Which river runs through Rome?
How many points are scored in basketball for a shot passing through the hoop from outside "the Arc"?
In which direction does the tail of a comet point as it passes through our solar system?
Towards the sun | Away from the sun
Which river courses through the city of Paris?
Seine | Loire | Thames | Rhine