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Approximately how long does it take the Moon to complete one orbit around the Earth?
14 days | 24 days | 35 days | 29 days
In which long-running sitcom were the characters Ross Geller and Chandler Bing present?
Will & Grace | Scrubs | Friends | Frasier
Which Dickens novel involves the long-running legal case Jarndyce and Jarndyce?
What German breed of dog is known for its long body and short legs?
How long did Adam Faith's number one "What Do You Want?" play for?
2 minutes 4 seconds | 6 minutes 12 seconds | 3 minutes 23 seconds | 1 minute 38 seconds
To the nearest mile, how long is a marathon?
19 miles | 22 miles | 26 miles | 12 miles
How long is the Channel Tunnel?
23 miles | 41 miles | 52 miles | 31 miles
To the nearest minute how long does it take for light to travel from the Sun to Earth?
4 | 6 | 2 | 8
Matt Lauer was host for over 20 years on which long-running US television show?
Meet the Press | Today | The Tonight Show | Face the Nation
Which insect linked word means to put something into long-term storage that is no longer used?