Q. Who directed the 1989 film, The Abyss?

Please fill out this form to contact us. Please check the FAQ to see if your question has already been answered.


How do I get the answers to the printable ditloids or dingbats sheets?

As points are scored for correctly answering questions on the site we don't provide answers to them or it would simply allow people to cheat.

You can check your answers using the corresponding online puzzle and registered users can access a series of clues that will lead you to the answer.

We also use the historical data to provide a unique user experience by ranking puzzles according to their difficulty and allowing people to cheat will skew the accuracy of the data.

Can I use your puzzles in my publication?

As long as the puzzles are used to complement other material you may use them freely in non-commercial printed or electronic publications, such as newsletters and magazines, provided attribution is given to WordsUp.co.uk. This does not permit publication of the puzzles on websites other than within an electronic publication that may be downloaded and viewed from your website, nor should the puzzles be the main focus of the publication.

Any commercial use is not permitted without permission. Please contact us if you would like to discuss using them commercially.

I'm really stuck on a puzzle! Can you help me?

Yes! If you have used any available clues as a registered user and still can't get the answer, send us details of the puzzle you are struggling with and we will provide further clues or hints.

I think I've spotted an error in a puzzle, should I contact you?

We would be delighted to hear from you! We don't get everything right all the time and will check and correct any mistakes and consider if a puzzle could be improved or made fairer.

The trivia quizzes have an in-built reporting system to allow you to flag problems with individual questions.

My answer to a ditloid / dingbat wasn't accepted

Programming the site to accept every single variation and spelling to an answer is obviously very difficult, but we have tried to build some flexibility into the system and tell you if your guess was very close.

We also recognise there may be valid alternative answers that weren't accepted, particularly with ditloids. Do let us know if that is the case and we will consider if we can change the puzzle slightly to provide a unique answer (if the alternative isn't particularly obscure), but it may be a case of having to accept it wasn't the answer we were thinking of!

I haven't received my activation email

If you haven't received your activation email to verify a new account and you've been waiting for over 15 minutes, please check your spam / junk folder if you haven't done so already. You can also try logging in and resending the activation email, but this will void the previous activation code should you find it subsequently arrives.

If you are still having no luck, there are some email providers who are notorious for blocking legitimate emails, such as those with Comcast and AT&T email addresses. If this is the case you can contact us and ask us to manually activate your account or try using a different email provider such as Google Mail.
