Q. Which country is car manufacturer Mazda based in?

Single Word Palindromes

The list below is a list of palindromes starting with the longest. A palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same backwards.
Palindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavatorPalindrome - rotavator

rotavator - a tool for breaking up the soil, also ROTOVATOR [n -S]

Palindrome - deifiedPalindrome - deifiedPalindrome - deifiedPalindrome - deifiedPalindrome - deifiedPalindrome - deifiedPalindrome - deified

deified - DEIFY, to make a god of [v]

Palindrome - hadedahPalindrome - hadedahPalindrome - hadedahPalindrome - hadedahPalindrome - hadedahPalindrome - hadedahPalindrome - hadedah

hadedah - (South African) a large greyish-green ibis [n -S]

Palindrome - halalahPalindrome - halalahPalindrome - halalahPalindrome - halalahPalindrome - halalahPalindrome - halalahPalindrome - halalah

halalah - a Saudi Arabian coin, also HALALA [n -S]

Palindrome - reifierPalindrome - reifierPalindrome - reifierPalindrome - reifierPalindrome - reifierPalindrome - reifierPalindrome - reifier

reifier - one that reifies [n -S]

Palindrome - repaperPalindrome - repaperPalindrome - repaperPalindrome - repaperPalindrome - repaperPalindrome - repaperPalindrome - repaper

repaper - to apply new paper [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - reviverPalindrome - reviverPalindrome - reviverPalindrome - reviverPalindrome - reviverPalindrome - reviverPalindrome - reviver

reviver - something that revives [n -S]

Palindrome - rotatorPalindrome - rotatorPalindrome - rotatorPalindrome - rotatorPalindrome - rotatorPalindrome - rotatorPalindrome - rotator

rotator - a muscle serving to rotate a part of the body [n ROTATORS or ROTATORES]

Palindrome - seitiesPalindrome - seitiesPalindrome - seitiesPalindrome - seitiesPalindrome - seitiesPalindrome - seitiesPalindrome - seities

seities - SEITY, personal identity [n]

Palindrome - sememesPalindrome - sememesPalindrome - sememesPalindrome - sememesPalindrome - sememesPalindrome - sememesPalindrome - sememes

sememes - SEMEME, the smallest unanalysable unit of linguistic meaning (e.g. a word or affix) [n]

Palindrome - slahalsPalindrome - slahalsPalindrome - slahalsPalindrome - slahalsPalindrome - slahalsPalindrome - slahalsPalindrome - slahals

slahals - SLAHAL, a team game played by indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest, also LAHAL [n]

Palindrome - araaraPalindrome - araaraPalindrome - araaraPalindrome - araaraPalindrome - araaraPalindrome - araara

araara - (Maori) another name for trevally, a kind of horse-mackerel [n -S]

Palindrome - ataataPalindrome - ataataPalindrome - ataataPalindrome - ataataPalindrome - ataataPalindrome - ataata

ataata - (Maori) a grazing marine gastropod [n -S]

Palindrome - deggedPalindrome - deggedPalindrome - deggedPalindrome - deggedPalindrome - deggedPalindrome - degged

degged - DEG, (dialect) to water (e.g. a plant) [v]

Palindrome - dennedPalindrome - dennedPalindrome - dennedPalindrome - dennedPalindrome - dennedPalindrome - denned

denned - DEN, to live in a lair [v]

Palindrome - hajjahPalindrome - hajjahPalindrome - hajjahPalindrome - hajjahPalindrome - hajjahPalindrome - hajjah

hajjah - a Muslim woman who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca [n -S]

Palindrome - hallahPalindrome - hallahPalindrome - hallahPalindrome - hallahPalindrome - hallahPalindrome - hallah

hallah - (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH [n HALLAHS, HALLOT or HALLOTH]

Palindrome - mallamPalindrome - mallamPalindrome - mallamPalindrome - mallamPalindrome - mallamPalindrome - mallam

mallam - a Muslim scholar, used as title, also MALAM [n -S]

Palindrome - marramPalindrome - marramPalindrome - marramPalindrome - marramPalindrome - marramPalindrome - marram

marram - a seaside grass, also MARRUM [n -S]

Palindrome - pullupPalindrome - pullupPalindrome - pullupPalindrome - pullupPalindrome - pullupPalindrome - pullup

pullup - the act of raising oneself while hanging by the hands [n -S]

Palindrome - redderPalindrome - redderPalindrome - redderPalindrome - redderPalindrome - redderPalindrome - redder

redder - one who redds, tidies up [n -S]

Palindrome - sellesPalindrome - sellesPalindrome - sellesPalindrome - sellesPalindrome - sellesPalindrome - selles

selles - SELLE, (archaic) a seat, saddle [n]

Palindrome - serresPalindrome - serresPalindrome - serresPalindrome - serresPalindrome - serresPalindrome - serres

serres - SERRE, to press close, also SERR [v]

Palindrome - sessesPalindrome - sessesPalindrome - sessesPalindrome - sessesPalindrome - sessesPalindrome - sesses

sesses - SESS, to assess (how much tax is owed), also CESS [v]

Palindrome - succusPalindrome - succusPalindrome - succusPalindrome - succusPalindrome - succusPalindrome - succus

succus - (Latin) juice, any fluid secretion from a plant or animal [n SUCCI]

Palindrome - tallatPalindrome - tallatPalindrome - tallatPalindrome - tallatPalindrome - tallatPalindrome - tallat

tallat - in the West of England, a loft, also TALLET, TALLOT [n -S]

Palindrome - terretPalindrome - terretPalindrome - terretPalindrome - terretPalindrome - terretPalindrome - terret

terret - a metal ring on a harness, also TERRIT [n -S]

Palindrome - tirritPalindrome - tirritPalindrome - tirritPalindrome - tirritPalindrome - tirritPalindrome - tirrit

tirrit - (Shakespeare) Mistress Quickly's word for alarm, fright [n -S]

Palindrome - alulaPalindrome - alulaPalindrome - alulaPalindrome - alulaPalindrome - alula

alula - one of three feathers springing from the base of the primaries [n ALULAE or ALULAS]

Palindrome - ananaPalindrome - ananaPalindrome - ananaPalindrome - ananaPalindrome - anana

anana - (French) a pineapple, also ANANAS [n -S]

Palindrome - ayayaPalindrome - ayayaPalindrome - ayayaPalindrome - ayayaPalindrome - ayaya

ayaya - (Inuit) a type of singing among the Inuit [n -S]

Palindrome - civicPalindrome - civicPalindrome - civicPalindrome - civicPalindrome - civic

civic - pertaining to a city [adj CIVICALLY]

Palindrome - dekedPalindrome - dekedPalindrome - dekedPalindrome - dekedPalindrome - deked

deked - DEKE, to feint in hockey [v]

Palindrome - deledPalindrome - deledPalindrome - deledPalindrome - deledPalindrome - deled

deled - DELE, in printing, to delete [v]

Palindrome - deredPalindrome - deredPalindrome - deredPalindrome - deredPalindrome - dered

dered - DERE, to injure, also DEAR, DEARE [v]

Palindrome - dewedPalindrome - dewedPalindrome - dewedPalindrome - dewedPalindrome - dewed

dewed - DEW, to wet with condensed moisture, also DEAW [v]

Palindrome - kaiakPalindrome - kaiakPalindrome - kaiakPalindrome - kaiakPalindrome - kaiak

kaiak - (Inuit) a type of canoe, also KAYAK, KYAK, QAJAQ [n -S] / to travel by kaiak, also KAYAK [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - kayakPalindrome - kayakPalindrome - kayakPalindrome - kayakPalindrome - kayak

kayak - (Inuit) a type of canoe, also KAIAK, KYAK, QAJAQ [n -S] / to travel by kayak, also KAIAK [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - lahalPalindrome - lahalPalindrome - lahalPalindrome - lahalPalindrome - lahal

lahal - a team game played by the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest, also SLAHAL [n -S]

Palindrome - lemelPalindrome - lemelPalindrome - lemelPalindrome - lemelPalindrome - lemel

lemel - the dust and filings of metal, also LIMAIL [n -S]

Palindrome - levelPalindrome - levelPalindrome - levelPalindrome - levelPalindrome - level


Palindrome - madamPalindrome - madamPalindrome - madamPalindrome - madamPalindrome - madam

madam - a courteous form of address for a woman [n -S] / to address as madam [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - malamPalindrome - malamPalindrome - malamPalindrome - malamPalindrome - malam

malam - a Muslim scholar, used as title, also MALLAM [n -S]

Palindrome - minimPalindrome - minimPalindrome - minimPalindrome - minimPalindrome - minim

minim - a note with the time value of half a semibreve or two crotchets [n -S]

Palindrome - qajaqPalindrome - qajaqPalindrome - qajaqPalindrome - qajaqPalindrome - qajaq

qajaq - (Inuit) a kayak, also KAIAK, KAYAK, KYAK [n -S]

Palindrome - radarPalindrome - radarPalindrome - radarPalindrome - radarPalindrome - radar

radar - an electronic locating device [n -S]

Palindrome - referPalindrome - referPalindrome - referPalindrome - referPalindrome - refer

refer - to direct to a source for help or information [v REFERRED, REFERRING, REFERS]

Palindrome - rotorPalindrome - rotorPalindrome - rotorPalindrome - rotorPalindrome - rotor

rotor - a rotating part of a machine [n -S]

Palindrome - sagasPalindrome - sagasPalindrome - sagasPalindrome - sagasPalindrome - sagas

sagas - SAGA, a series of novels dealing with a family history [n]

Palindrome - samasPalindrome - samasPalindrome - samasPalindrome - samasPalindrome - samas

samas - SAMA, (Japanese) a title given to an exalted person [n]

Palindrome - sedesPalindrome - sedesPalindrome - sedesPalindrome - sedesPalindrome - sedes

sedes - (Latin) a seat [n SEDES]

Palindrome - selesPalindrome - selesPalindrome - selesPalindrome - selesPalindrome - seles

seles - SELE, happiness [n]

Palindrome - semesPalindrome - semesPalindrome - semesPalindrome - semesPalindrome - semes

semes - SEME, a type of heraldic pattern [n]

Palindrome - senesPalindrome - senesPalindrome - senesPalindrome - senesPalindrome - senes

senes - SENE, a Samoan monetary unit [n]

Palindrome - seresPalindrome - seresPalindrome - seresPalindrome - seresPalindrome - seres

seres - SERE, to burn the surface of [v]

Palindrome - sexesPalindrome - sexesPalindrome - sexesPalindrome - sexesPalindrome - sexes

sexes - SEX, to assess organisms according to reproductive functions [v]

Palindrome - shahsPalindrome - shahsPalindrome - shahsPalindrome - shahsPalindrome - shahs

shahs - SHAH, (Persian) a title of the monarch of Iran (Persia) [n]

Palindrome - simisPalindrome - simisPalindrome - simisPalindrome - simisPalindrome - simis

simis - SIMI, (Swahili) in Africa, a short two-edged sword or large knife [n]

Palindrome - sirisPalindrome - sirisPalindrome - sirisPalindrome - sirisPalindrome - siris

siris - SIRI, (Malay) the betel pepper, also SIRIH [n]

Palindrome - solosPalindrome - solosPalindrome - solosPalindrome - solosPalindrome - solos

solos - SOLO, to perform a solo [v]

Palindrome - statsPalindrome - statsPalindrome - statsPalindrome - statsPalindrome - stats

stats - STAT, (short for) a statistic [n]

Palindrome - stetsPalindrome - stetsPalindrome - stetsPalindrome - stetsPalindrome - stets

stets - STET, to cancel a previously made printing correction [v]

Palindrome - stotsPalindrome - stotsPalindrome - stotsPalindrome - stotsPalindrome - stots

stots - STOT, to bound, also STOTT [v]

Palindrome - sulusPalindrome - sulusPalindrome - sulusPalindrome - sulusPalindrome - sulus

sulus - SULU, (Fijian) in Fiji, a cloth worn as a sarong [n]

Palindrome - sususPalindrome - sususPalindrome - sususPalindrome - sususPalindrome - susus

susus - SUSU, (Caribbean) an arrangement made among friends whereby each person makes regular contributions to a fund, the money being drawn out periodically by each individual in turn [n]

Palindrome - tenetPalindrome - tenetPalindrome - tenetPalindrome - tenetPalindrome - tenet

tenet - an opinion, principle or doctrine held to be true [n -S]

Palindrome - torotPalindrome - torotPalindrome - torotPalindrome - torotPalindrome - torot

torot - TORAH, the body of Jewish law, also TORA [n]

Palindrome - abbaPalindrome - abbaPalindrome - abbaPalindrome - abba

abba - a Syrian cloth of goat's or camel's hair; an outer garment made of it, also ABA, ABAYA [n -S]

Palindrome - accaPalindrome - accaPalindrome - accaPalindrome - acca

acca - (Australian slang) an academic, also ACKER [n -S]

Palindrome - annaPalindrome - annaPalindrome - annaPalindrome - anna

anna - a former coin of India [n -S]

Palindrome - boobPalindrome - boobPalindrome - boobPalindrome - boob

boob - to make a mistake [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - deedPalindrome - deedPalindrome - deedPalindrome - deed

deed - dead [adj DEEDER, DEEDEST] / to transfer by a legal document [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - eccePalindrome - eccePalindrome - eccePalindrome - ecce

ecce - behold, also ECCO [interj]

Palindrome - essePalindrome - essePalindrome - essePalindrome - esse

esse - (Latin) actual existence, essence [n -S]

Palindrome - googPalindrome - googPalindrome - googPalindrome - goog

goog - (Australian slang) an egg; full as a goog means drunk [n -S]

Palindrome - keekPalindrome - keekPalindrome - keekPalindrome - keek

keek - to glance; to peep [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - kookPalindrome - kookPalindrome - kookPalindrome - kook

kook - to dart in and out of sight [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - naanPalindrome - naanPalindrome - naanPalindrome - naan

naan - (Hindi) a kind of slightly leavened Indian bread, also NAN [n -S]

Palindrome - noonPalindrome - noonPalindrome - noonPalindrome - noon

noon - to rest at midday [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - oppoPalindrome - oppoPalindrome - oppoPalindrome - oppo

oppo - an opposite number or an opponent [n -S]

Palindrome - ottoPalindrome - ottoPalindrome - ottoPalindrome - otto

otto - a fragrant essential oil made from the damask rose, also ATTAR, OTTAR [n -S]

Palindrome - peepPalindrome - peepPalindrome - peepPalindrome - peep

peep - to cheep like a chicken [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - poopPalindrome - poopPalindrome - poopPalindrome - poop

poop - to tire out [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - seesPalindrome - seesPalindrome - seesPalindrome - sees

sees - SEE, to observe with the eyes [v]

Palindrome - tootPalindrome - tootPalindrome - tootPalindrome - toot

toot - to sound a horn [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - abaPalindrome - abaPalindrome - aba

aba - a Syrian cloth of goat's or camel's hair; an outer garment made of it, also ABAYA [n -S]

Palindrome - agaPalindrome - agaPalindrome - aga

aga - a Turkish military officer, also AGHA [n -S]

Palindrome - ahaPalindrome - ahaPalindrome - aha

aha - an interjection expressing exultation [interj]

Palindrome - aiaPalindrome - aiaPalindrome - aia

aia - in India, a maid or nurse, also AYAH [n -S]

Palindrome - akaPalindrome - akaPalindrome - aka

aka - (Maori) a New Zealand vine [n -S]

Palindrome - alaPalindrome - alaPalindrome - ala

ala - in biology, any flat winglike projection [n ALAE]

Palindrome - amaPalindrome - amaPalindrome - ama

ama - (Hindi) a native maidservant or child's nurse, esp. a wet nurse, also AMAH [n -S]

Palindrome - anaPalindrome - anaPalindrome - ana

ana - a collection of someone's table-talk [n -S]

Palindrome - auaPalindrome - auaPalindrome - aua

aua - (Maori) the yellow-eye mullet [n -S]

Palindrome - avaPalindrome - avaPalindrome - ava

ava - an aromatic plant of the pepper family; a narcotic drink prepared from its root and stem, also KAVA, KAVAKAVA [n -S]

Palindrome - awaPalindrome - awaPalindrome - awa

awa - (Scots) away, also AWAYES [adv]

Palindrome - bibPalindrome - bibPalindrome - bib

bib - to tipple [v BIBBED, BIBBING, BIBS]

Palindrome - bobPalindrome - bobPalindrome - bob

bob - to move quickly up and down [v BOBBED, BOBBING, BOBS]

Palindrome - bubPalindrome - bubPalindrome - bub

bub - a young fellow [n -S]

Palindrome - dadPalindrome - dadPalindrome - dad

dad - to dash against [v DADDED, DADDING, DADS]

Palindrome - didPalindrome - didPalindrome - did

did - DO, to perform [v]

Palindrome - dodPalindrome - dodPalindrome - dod

dod - (Scots) to knock, thump, also DAUD, DAWD [v DODDED, DODDING, DODS]

Palindrome - dudPalindrome - dudPalindrome - dud

dud - a bomb that fails to explode [n -S]

Palindrome - ekePalindrome - ekePalindrome - eke

eke - to augment, also ECH, ECHE, EECH, EIK, ICH [v EKED, EKING, EKES]

Palindrome - emePalindrome - emePalindrome - eme

eme - (obsolete) an uncle [n -S]

Palindrome - enePalindrome - enePalindrome - ene

ene - a poetic word for evening [n -S]

Palindrome - erePalindrome - erePalindrome - ere

ere - to plough [v ERED, ERING, ERES]

Palindrome - evePalindrome - evePalindrome - eve

eve - a poetic word for evening, also EEVEN, EEVN, EEVNING [n -S]

Palindrome - ewePalindrome - ewePalindrome - ewe

ewe - a female sheep, also YOWE [n -S]

Palindrome - eyePalindrome - eyePalindrome - eye

eye - the organ of sight [n EYES or (US) EYEN or (obsolete) EINE, EYNE or EEN] / to watch closely [v EYED, EYEING or EYING, EYES]

Palindrome - gagPalindrome - gagPalindrome - gag

gag - to stop up the mouth [v GAGGED, GAGGING, GAGS]

Palindrome - gigPalindrome - gigPalindrome - gig

gig - to catch fish with a pronged spear [v GIGGED, GIGGING, GIGS]

Palindrome - hahPalindrome - hahPalindrome - hah

hah - a sound of surprise [n -S]

Palindrome - hehPalindrome - hehPalindrome - heh

heh - a Hebrew letter [n -S]

Palindrome - hohPalindrome - hohPalindrome - hoh

hoh - to stop, also HO, HOA [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - huhPalindrome - huhPalindrome - huh

huh - used to express surprise [interj]

Palindrome - iwiPalindrome - iwiPalindrome - iwi

iwi - a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n -S]

Palindrome - kakPalindrome - kakPalindrome - kak

kak - (South African) faeces, rubbish, also CACA, CACK, KACK [n -S]

Palindrome - mamPalindrome - mamPalindrome - mam

mam - (dialect) mother [n -S]

Palindrome - memPalindrome - memPalindrome - mem

mem - the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n -S]

Palindrome - mimPalindrome - mimPalindrome - mim

mim - prim, demure, prudish, also MIMSEY, MIMSY [adj MIMMER, MIMMEST]

Palindrome - mmmPalindrome - mmmPalindrome - mmm

mmm - an interjection expressing agreement or enjoyment, also MM [interj]

Palindrome - momPalindrome - momPalindrome - mom

mom - (US colloquial) mother [n -S]

Palindrome - mumPalindrome - mumPalindrome - mum

mum - to act in a disguise, also MUMM [v MUMMED, MUMMING, MUMS]

Palindrome - nanPalindrome - nanPalindrome - nan

nan - (Hindi) a kind of slightly leavened Indian bread, also NAAN [n -S]

Palindrome - nonPalindrome - nonPalindrome - non

non - (Latin) not [adj]

Palindrome - nunPalindrome - nunPalindrome - nun

nun - a woman belonging to a religious order [n -S]

Palindrome - oboPalindrome - oboPalindrome - obo

obo - a vessel for carrying oil and bulk ore [n -S]

Palindrome - ohoPalindrome - ohoPalindrome - oho

oho - an expression of surprise [interj]

Palindrome - onoPalindrome - onoPalindrome - ono

ono - (Hawaiian) a kind of fish [n -S]

Palindrome - oxoPalindrome - oxoPalindrome - oxo

oxo - of compounds, containing oxygen, also OXY [adj]

Palindrome - papPalindrome - papPalindrome - pap

pap - to feed with soft mash [v PAPPED, PAPPING, PAPS]

Palindrome - pepPalindrome - pepPalindrome - pep

pep - to fill with energy [v PEPPED, PEPPING, PEPS]

Palindrome - pipPalindrome - pipPalindrome - pip

pip - to offend or disgust [v PIPPED, PIPPING, PIPS]

Palindrome - popPalindrome - popPalindrome - pop

pop - to make a sharp, small, explosive sound [v POPPED, POPPING, POPS]

Palindrome - pupPalindrome - pupPalindrome - pup

pup - to give birth to puppies [v PUPPED, PUPPING, PUPS]

Palindrome - sisPalindrome - sisPalindrome - sis

sis - (short for) sister, also SISS [n -ES]

Palindrome - sosPalindrome - sosPalindrome - sos

sos - SO, the fifth tone of the scale, also SOL [n]

Palindrome - susPalindrome - susPalindrome - sus

sus - to arrest for suspicious behaviour, also SUSS [v SUSED or SUSSED, SUSING or SUSSING, SUSES or SUSSES]

Palindrome - tatPalindrome - tatPalindrome - tat

tat - to make lace [v TATTED, TATTING, TATS]

Palindrome - tetPalindrome - tetPalindrome - tet

tet - (Hebrew) a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also TETH [n -S]

Palindrome - titPalindrome - titPalindrome - tit

tit - to tug [v TITTED, TITTING, TITS]

Palindrome - totPalindrome - totPalindrome - tot

tot - to total [v TOTTED, TOTTING, TOTS]

Palindrome - tutPalindrome - tutPalindrome - tut

tut - to utter an exclamation of impatience [v TUTTED, TUTTING, TUTS]

Palindrome - uluPalindrome - uluPalindrome - ulu

ulu - (Inuit) an Inuit knife [n -S]

Palindrome - umuPalindrome - umuPalindrome - umu

umu - (Maori) a type of Maori oven, aka hangi [n -S]

Palindrome - utuPalindrome - utuPalindrome - utu

utu - (Maori) a settlement of a debt [n -S]

Palindrome - vavPalindrome - vavPalindrome - vav

vav - (Hebrew) a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also VAW [n -S]

Palindrome - wawPalindrome - wawPalindrome - waw

waw - (Scott) a wave, also WAWE [n -S]

Palindrome - wowPalindrome - wowPalindrome - wow

wow - to impress or amaze [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Palindrome - yayPalindrome - yayPalindrome - yay

yay - an affirmative vote, also YEA [n -S]

Palindrome - zizPalindrome - zizPalindrome - ziz

ziz - to take a nap [v ZIZZED, ZIZZING]

Palindrome - zuzPalindrome - zuzPalindrome - zuz

zuz - a silver coin of ancient Palestine [n ZUZIM or ZUZZIM]

Palindrome - zzzPalindrome - zzzPalindrome - zzz

zzz - an interjection expressing sleep [interj]

Palindrome - aaPalindrome - aa

aa - a volcanic rock consisting of angular blocks of lava with a very rough surface [n -S]

Palindrome - eePalindrome - ee

ee - (Scots) an eye [n EEN]

Palindrome - mmPalindrome - mm

mm - an interjection expressing agreement or enjoyment, also MMM [interj]

Palindrome - ooPalindrome - oo

oo - (Scots) wool [n -S]
